Publications 2002
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Academic Journals
- Y. Mezouar, F. Chaumette. Avoiding self-occlusions and preserving visibility by path planning in the image. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 41(2):77-87, November 2002.
- E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Virtual visual servoing: A framework for real-time augmented reality. Computer Graphics Forum, 21(3):289-298, September 2002.
- Y. Mezouar, F. Chaumette. Path planning for robust image-based control. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 18(4):534-549, August 2002.
- E. Marchand, F. Chaumette, F. Spindler, M. Perrier. Controlling an uninstrumented manipulator by visual servoing. Int. Journal of Robotics Research, 21(7):635-648, July 2002.
- C. Collewet, F. Chaumette. Positioning a camera with respect to planar objects of unknown shape by coupling 2D visual servoing and 3D estimations. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 18(3):322-333, June 2002.
- E. Malis, F. Chaumette. Theoretical improvements in the stability analysis of a new class of model-free visual servoing methods. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 18(2):176-186, April 2002.
- E. Marchand, N. Courty. Controlling a camera in a virtual environment. The Visual Computer Journal, 18(1):1-19, February 2002.
Academic Journals (National audience)
- G. Flandin, F. Chaumette. Fusion d'informations visuelles pour la localisation d'objets complexes. Traitement du Signal, 19(1):49-57, June 2002.
Book Chapters
- F. Chaumette. Asservissement visuel. In La commande des robots manipulateurs, W. Khalil (ed.), Chap. 3, pp. 105-150, Traité IC2, Hermès, 2002.
International Conferences
- F. Chaumette. A first step toward visual servoing using image moments. In IEEE/RSJ Int Conf on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'02, Volume 1, Pages 378-383, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 2002.
- R. Mahony, P. Corke, F. Chaumette. Choice of image features for depth-axis control in image-based visual servo control. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'02, Volume 1, Pages 390-395, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 2002.
- E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Virtual visual servoing: A framework for real-time augmented reality. In EUROGRAPHICS 2002 Conference Proceeding, G. Drettakis, H.-P. Seidel (eds.), Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 21(3), Pages 289-298, Saarebrucken, Germany, September 2002.
- G. Lefaix, E. Marchand, P. Bouthemy. Motion-based obstacle detection and tracking for car driving assistance. In IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR'02, Volume 4, Pages 74-77, Quebec, Canada, August 2002.
- G. Flandin, F. Chaumette. Visual data fusion for objects localization by active vision. In Eur. Conf. on Computer Vision, ECCV'02, LNCS 2353, Pages 312-326, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2002.
- R. Mahony, T. Hamel, F. Chaumette. A decoupled image space approach to visual servo control of a robotic manipulator. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'02, Volume 3, Pages 3781-3786, Washington DC, May 2002.
- Y. Mezouar, A. Remazeilles, P. Gros, F. Chaumette. Image interpolation for image-based control under large displacement. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'02, Volume 3, Pages 3787-3794, Washington DC, May 2002.
National Conferences
- E. Marchand, J. Royan, F. Chaumette. Calcul de pose et calibration par asservissement visuel virtuel : application à la réalité augmentée. In 13ème Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, RFIA'02, Volume 3, Pages 839-848, Angers, France, January 2002.
- A. Remazeilles, F. Chaumette, P. Gros. Couplage entre l'indexation d'images et l'asservissement visuel pour la réalisation de grands déplacements. 15ème Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Robotique, Strasbourg, France, January 2002.
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