Y. Mezouar, A. Remazeilles, P. Gros, F. Chaumette. Image interpolation for image-based control under large displacement. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'02, Volume 3, Pages 3787-3794, Washington DC, May 2002.
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The principal deficiency of image-based visual servoing is that the induced (3D) trajectories are not optimal and sometimes, especially when the displacement to realize is large, these trajectories are not physically valid leading to the failure of the servoing process. Furthermore, visual con- trol needs a matching step between the features extracted from the initial image and the desired one. This step can be problematic (or impossible) when the camera displacement between the acquisitions of the initial and desired images is large and/or for complex scenes. To resolve these deficien- cies, we couple an image interpolation process between N relay images extracted from a database and an image-based trajectory tracking. The camera calibration and the model of the observed scene are not assumed to be known. The relay images are interpolated in such a way that the corre- sponding camera trajectory is minimal. First a closed form collineation path is obtained and then the analytical form of image features trajectories are derived and efficiently tracked using a purely image-based control. Experimental results obtained on a six DOF eye-in-hand robotic system are presented and confirm the validity of the proposed ap- proach
BibTex Reference
Author = {Mezouar, Y. and Remazeilles, A. and Gros, P. and Chaumette, F.},
Title = {Image interpolation for image-based control under large displacement},
BookTitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'02},
Volume = { 3},
Pages = {3787--3794},
Address = {Washington DC},
Month = {May},
Year = {2002}
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