Publications 2004

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Academic Journals

  1. F. Chaumette. Image moments: a general and useful set of features for visual servoing. IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 20(4):713-723, August 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf

International Conferences

  1. F. Chaumette, E. Marchand. Recent results in visual servoing for robotics applications. In 8th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation, ASTRA 2004, Pages 471-478, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, November 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  2. A.I. Comport, E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Complex articulated object tracking. In Int. Workshop on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, AMDO'04, J.F. Perales, B.A. Draper (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3179, Pages 189-201, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, September 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf
  3. A.I. Comport, E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Robust model-based tracking for robot vision. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'04, Volume 1, Pages 692-697, Sendai, Japan, September 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf
  4. P. Li, F. Chaumette. Image cues fusion for contour tracking based on particle filter. In Int. Workshop on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, AMDO'04, J.F. Perales, B.A. Draper (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3179, Pages 99-107, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, September 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  5. N. Mansard, F. Chaumette. Tasks sequencing for visual servoing. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'04, Volume 1, Pages 992-997, Sendai, Japan, September 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  6. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Features tracking for visual servoing purpose. In Advances in Robot Vision - From Domestic Environments to Medical Applications, D. Kragic, H. Christensen (eds.), Pages 10-20, Sendai, Japan, September 2004. details pdf
  7. Y. Mezouar, H. Haj Abdelkader, P. Martinet, F. Chaumette. Central catadioptric visual servoing from 3D straight lines. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'04, Volume 1, Pages 343-349, Sendai, Japan, September 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  8. J. Pagès, C. Collewet, F. Chaumette, J. Salvi. Plane-to-plane positioning from image-based visual servoing and structured light. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'04, Volume 1, Pages 1004-1009, Sendai, Japan, September 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  9. M. Pressigout, E. Marchand. Model-free augmented reality by virtual visual servoing. In IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR'04, Volume 2, Pages 887-891, Cambridge, UK, August 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf
  10. A.I. Comport, E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Object-based visual 3D tracking of articulated objects via kinematic sets. In IEEE CVPR Workshop on Articulated and Non-Rigid Motion, Washington DC, June 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf
  11. Y. Mezouar, H. Hadj Abdelkader, P. Martinet, F. Chaumette. Visual servoing from 3D straight lines with central catadioptric cameras. In Fifth Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Omnivis'2004, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  12. C. Collewet, A. Alhaj, F. Chaumette. Model-free visual servoing on complex images based on 3D reconstruction. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'04, Volume 1, Pages 751-756, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  13. J.-T. Lapresté, F. Jurie, M. Dhome, F. Chaumette. An efficient method to compute the inverse Jacobian matrix in visual servoing. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'04, Volume 1, Pages 727-732, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  14. E. Marchand, A.I. Comport, F. Chaumette. Improvements in robust 2D visual servoing. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'04, Volume 1, Pages 745-750, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne doi pdf
  15. A. Remazeilles, F. Chaumette, P. Gros. Robot motion control from a visual memory. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'04, Volume 4, Pages 4695-4700, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  16. O. Tahri, F. Chaumette. Image moments: Generic descriptors for decoupled image-based visual servo. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'04, Volume 2, Pages 1185-1190, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  17. A.I. Comport, O. Tahri, E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Visual servoing with respect to complex objects. In Int. Symp. on Robotics, ISR'04, Paris, France, March 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf

National Conferences

  1. A.I. Comport, M. Pressigout, E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Une loi de commande robuste aux mesures aberrantes en asservissement visuel. In 14ème Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, RFIA'04, Toulouse, France, January 2004. details pdf
  2. J.-T. Lapresté, F. Jurie, M. Dhome, F. Chaumette. Nouvelle approche pour le calcul du jacobien inverse en asservissement visuel 2D. In 14ème Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, RFIA 2004, Toulouse, France, January 2004. details pdf
  3. A. Remazeilles, F. Chaumette, P. Gros. Contrôle des mouvements d'un robot à l'aide d'une mémoire visuelle. In 14ème Congrès Francophone AFRIF-AFIA de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, RFIA 2004, Toulouse, France, January 2004. details pdf


  1. J. Pagès, C. Collewet, F. Chaumette, J. Salvi. Couplage asservissement visuel et lumière stucturée pour la réalisation d'une tâche de positionnement plan à plan. 18èmes Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Robotique, Douai, September 2004. details pdf


  1. A. Remazeilles. Navigation à partir d'une mémoire d'images. PhD Thesis Université de Rennes 1, mention informatique, December 2004. details pdf
  2. E. Marchand. Contribution à la commande d'une caméra réelle ou virtuelle dans des mondes réels ou virtuels. Habilitation à diriger des recherches Université de Rennes 1, November 2004. details Hal : Hyper Archive en ligne pdf
  3. O. Tahri. Application des moments à l'asservissement visuel et au calcul de pose. PhD Thesis Université de Rennes 1, Mention informatique, Rennes, March 2004. details pdf

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