L. Glondu, M. Marchal, G. Dumont. Accurate Haptic Rendering of Frictionnal Contacts between many Rigid Bodies : Principle of the Haptic Sub-World. In Journées de l'association fran\c caise de réalité virtuelle, lY, France, December 2010.
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Author = {Glondu, L. and Marchal, M. and Dumont, G.},
Title = {{Accurate Haptic Rendering of Frictionnal Contacts between many Rigid Bodies : Principle of the Haptic Sub-World}},
BookTitle = {{Journ{é}es de l'association fran{\c c}aise de r{é}alit{é} virtuelle}},
Address = {lY, France},
Month = {December},
Year = {2010}
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