E. Marchand, F. Spindler, F. Chaumette. ViSP for visual servoing: a generic software platform with a wide class of robot control skills. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Special issue on "Software Packages for Vision-Based Control of Motion", P. Oh, D. Burschka (Eds.), 12(4):40-52, December 2005.
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ViSP (Visual Servoing Platform), a fully functional modular architecture that allows fast development of visual servoing applications, is described. The platform takes the form of a library which can be divided in three main modules: control processes, canonical vision-based tasks that contain the most classical linkages, and real-time tracking. ViSP software environment features independence with respect to the hardware, simplicity, extendibility, and portability. ViSP also features a large library of elementary tasks with various visual features that can be combined together, an image processing library that allows the tracking of visual cues at video rate, a simulator, an interface with various classical framegrabbers, a virtual 6-DOF robot that allows the simulation of visual servoing experiments, etc. The platform is implemented in C++ under Linux
Eric Marchand
Fabien Spindler
Francois Chaumette
BibTex Reference
Author = {Marchand, E. and Spindler, F. and Chaumette, F.},
Title = {ViSP for visual servoing: a generic software platform with a wide class of robot control skills},
Journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine},
Volume = { 12},
Number = {4},
Pages = {40--52},
Publisher = {IEEE},
Month = {December},
Year = {2005}
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