O. Kermorgant, F. Chaumette. Multi-sensor data fusion in sensor-based control: application to multi-camera visual servoing. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'11, Pages 4518-4523, Shanghai, China, May 2011.
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A low-level sensor fusion scheme is presented for the positioning of a multi-sensor robot. This non-hierarchical framework can be used for robot arms or other velocity- controlled robots, and is part of the task function approach. A stability analysis is presented for the general case, then several control laws illustrate the versatility of the framework. This approach is applied to the multi-camera eye-in-hand/eye- to-hand configuration in visual servoing. Experimental results point out the feasibility and the effectiveness of the proposed control laws. Mono-camera and multi-camera schemes are compared, showing that the proposed sensor fusion scheme improves the behavior of a robot arm
BibTex Reference
Author = {Kermorgant, O. and Chaumette, F.},
Title = {Multi-sensor data fusion in sensor-based control: application to multi-camera visual servoing},
BookTitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'11},
Pages = {4518--4523},
Address = {Shanghai, China},
Month = {May},
Year = {2011}
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