N. Courty, E. Marchand, B. Arnaldi. Through-the-eyes control of a virtual humanoïd. In IEEE Computer Animation 2001, H.-S. Ko (ed.), Pages 74-83, Seoul, Korea, November 2001.
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The aim of this paper is to present a new animation technique to control a humanoïd in a virtual environment. This control technique is issued from a need to simplify input parameters for automatic generation of motions, according to the simulation of the visual perception for a synthetic humanoïd. The proposed method is founded on an image-based technique or more commonly called in the robotic field visual servoing. It consists in controlling the humanoïd's motions through the image it ``perceives''. This approach is dedicated to highly reactive contexts (video games, virtual reality), as far as it is based on a closed loop system. We also discuss of the integration of such a technique in a more complex behavioural system
BibTex Reference
Author = {Courty, N. and Marchand, E. and Arnaldi, B.},
Title = {Through-the-eyes control of a virtual humanoïd},
BookTitle = {IEEE Computer Animation 2001},
editor = {Ko, H.-S.},
Pages = {74--83},
Address = {Seoul, Korea},
Month = {November},
Year = {2001}
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