F. Pasteau, M. Babel, R. Sekkal. Corridor following wheelchair by visual servoing. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'2013, Pages 590-595, Tokyo, Japan, November 2013.
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This paper focuses on the issue of estimating the complete 3D pose of the camera with respect to a potentially textureless object, through model-based tracking. We propose to robustly combine complementary geometrical and color edge- based features in the minimization process, and to integrate a multiple-hypotheses framework in the geometrical edge-based registration phase. In order to deal with complex 3D models, our method takes advantage of GPU acceleration. Promising results, outperforming classical state-of-art approaches, have been obtained for space robotics applications on various real and synthetic image sequences and using satellite mock-ups as targets
BibTex Reference
Author = {Pasteau, F. and Babel, M. and Sekkal, R.},
Title = {Corridor following wheelchair by visual servoing},
BookTitle = {IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'2013},
Pages = {590--595},
Address = {Tokyo, Japan},
Month = {November},
Year = {2013}
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