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I. Hussain, G. Spagnoletti, C. Pacchierotti, G. Salvietti, D. Prattichizzo. The Robotic-SixthFinger: a Wearable Robotic Compensatory Tool for Grasp Compensation in Chronic Stroke Patients. Workshop on ``Exploiting contact and dynamics in manipulation'' at the IEEE Interinational Conference on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm, Sweden, 2016.


Claudio Pacchierotti

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Hussain, I. and Spagnoletti, G. and Pacchierotti, C. and Salvietti, G. and Prattichizzo, D.},
   Title = {The Robotic-SixthFinger: a Wearable Robotic Compensatory Tool for Grasp Compensation in Chronic Stroke Patients},
   BookTitle = {{Workshop on ``Exploiting contact and dynamics in manipulation'' at the IEEE Interinational Conference on Robotics and Automation}},
   Address = {Stockholm, Sweden},
   Year = {2016}

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