G. Duceux, B. Tamadazte, N. Le Fort-Piat, E. Marchand, G. Fortier, S. Dembélé. Autofocusing-based visual servoing: application to MEMS micromanipulation. In Int. Symp. on Optomechatronic Technologies, ISOT 2010, Toronto, Canada, October 2010.
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In MEMS microassembly areas, different methods of automatic focusing are presented in the literature. All these methods have a common point. Thus, the current autofocusing methods for microscopes need to perform a scanning on all the vertical axis of the microscope in order to find the peak corresponding to the focus (sharpen image). Those methods are time consuming. Therefore, this paper presents an original method of autofocusing based on a velocity control approach which is developed and validated on real experiments
BibTex Reference
Author = {Duceux, G. and Tamadazte, B. and Le Fort-Piat, N. and Marchand, E. and Fortier, G. and Dembélé, S.},
Title = {Autofocusing-based visual servoing: application to MEMS micromanipulation},
BookTitle = {Int. Symp. on Optomechatronic Technologies, ISOT 2010},
Address = {Toronto, Canada},
Month = {October},
Year = {2010}
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