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V. Drevelle, P. Bonnifait. Interval-based Fault Detection and Identification applied to Global Positioning. In IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID 2012, Pages 1085-1090, Brussels, Belgium, July 2012.

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We present a real-time robust positioning system based on interval analysis and constraint propagation that computes position domains, and that is able to detect and reject erroneous measurements. GPS pseudorange measurements are represented by intervals assumed to contain the true value with a given confidence level. A 3-D map of the drivable space is also available to constrain the vehicle location. By the use of a breadth-first exploration strategy and of measurement consistency counters, the algorithm can be stopped at any time of the evaluation, and can instantly return the solution subpaving and the list of identified erroneous measurements. The method has been evaluated with real raw GPS data (i.e. pseudodistances on visible satellites) in a urban environment with a low-cost high-sensitivity GPS receiver providing faulty multipath measurements


Vincent Drevelle

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Drevelle, V. and Bonnifait, P.},
   Title = {{Interval-based Fault Detection and Identification applied to Global Positioning}},
   BookTitle = {{IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID 2012}},
   Pages = {1085--1090},
   Address = {Brussels, Belgium},
   Month = {July},
   Year = {2012}

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