A. Crétual, F. Chaumette. Dynamic stabilization of a pan and tilt camera for sub-marine image visualization. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 79(1):47-65, July 2000.
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One major problem of under-water observation with an automatic engine is the instability of image acquiring. Indeed, this kind of small engines are submitted to low-frequency motions due to weak friction and currents of water. In this paper, we propose to maintain stabilization in the image by controlling the pan and tilt motions of the camera mounted inside the engine, using techniques applied for target tracking. The main idea within this approach lies in the fact that, as it is very difficult to track a point of an unknown scene using geometrical tools, it can be retrieved by the integration of its speed. Indeed, the velocity in the image can now be estimated in real-time, and without any a priori knowledge of the image content. We present the used control law. Our approach has been validated on a dry set-up we also present. Finally, results concerning two different sequences of under-water images are displayed
BibTex Reference
Author = {Crétual, A. and Chaumette, F.},
Title = {Dynamic stabilization of a pan and tilt camera for sub-marine image visualization},
Journal = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
Volume = { 79},
Number = {1},
Pages = {47--65},
Publisher = {Elsevier},
Month = {July},
Year = {2000}
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