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N. Courty, F. Lamarche, S. Donikian, E. Marchand. A cinematography system for virtual storytelling. In Int. Conf. on Virtual Storytelling, ICVS'03, O. Balet, G. Subsol, P. Torguet (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2897, Pages 30-34, Toulouse, France, November 2003.

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In this paper we introduce a complete framework to automatically generate cinematographic view of dynamic scenes in real-time. The main goal of such a system is to provide a succession of shots and sequences (of virtual dynamic scenes) that can be related to pure cinema. Our system is based on the use of an image-based control of the camera that allows different levels of visual tasks and a multi-agent system that controls those cameras and selects the type of shot that has to be performed in order to fulfill the constraints of a given cinematographic rule (idiom). This level of adaptation constitutes the major novelty of our system. Moreover, it stands for a convenient tool to describe cinematographic idioms for real-time narrative virtual environments


Eric Marchand

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Courty, N. and Lamarche, F. and Donikian, S. and Marchand, E.},
   Title = {A cinematography system for virtual storytelling},
   BookTitle = {Int. Conf. on Virtual Storytelling, ICVS'03},
   editor = {Balet, O. and Subsol, G. and Torguet, P.},
   Volume = {    2897},
   Pages = {30--34},
   Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
   Address = {Toulouse, France},
   Month = {November},
   Year = {2003}

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