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F. Bezi, M. Brunner, M. Tognon, C. Secchi, R. Siegwart. Adaptive Tank-based Control for Aerial Physical Interaction with Uncertain Dynamic Environments Using Energy-Task Estimation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(4):9129-9136, 2022.


Marco Tognon

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Bezi, F. and Brunner, M. and Tognon, M. and Secchi, C. and Siegwart, R.},
   Title = {Adaptive Tank-based Control for Aerial Physical Interaction with Uncertain Dynamic Environments Using Energy-Task Estimation},
   Journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
   Volume = {7},
   Number = {4},
   Pages = {9129--9136},
   Year = {2022}

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